Forty years ago I had a bike/car accident during which I experienced something that’s probably like entering the portal to the Spirit realm. Though it took me a long time to recognize what had happened, I understand now that that experience cleared many of the filters we create in this life that keep us from our natural ability to experience the higher forms of energy that are around us all the time.

I’ve spent time as a hospital and hospice chaplain and that allowed me recognize my ability to channel and to strengthen my connection with those in Spirit. I am at home and at peace in the presence of death and those who are dying.

I have worked for many years in pastoral care, as a Congregational minister, counselor and as a wedding and memorial service officiant.

I’m tempted to say outside of the spiritual realm, but I believe that everything we do in life is interwoven, creative and spiritual, so I’ll simply mention that I have been a primary school teacher, a newspaper editor, and a photographer. I have a BA in English Literature from St. Lawrence University, an MEd in Education from the University of Vermont and an MA in Pastoral Care from Fordham.

I live most of the time in Vermont and truly the only thing I ever really want to do, beyond skiing, being in the woods and by the sea, is spend time with my three kids, Sam, Nate and Coco.